Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database

I don’t speak or write English so good(I’m a green horn). I’m studying three course in freeCodeCamp, it’s them: Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database, Learn Advanced Bash by Building a Kitty Ipsum Translator and Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object. I want to save my progress on personal repo in github, but i receive a error like the image below. What am I doing wrong?

From what I understand, Gitpod itself keeps the workspaces for you.

There’s even a post on the subject

Hello there,

When you create a new Gitpod workspace, Git is set up for you, and the official freeCodeCamp repo becomes the origin. As such, you need to create a different remote name pointing to your personal repo. Then, you can push to it.

Hope this clarifies