Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1

Hi I’m currently struggling with the step where I’m supposed to only copy the first 5 lines of courses.csv into courses_test.csv
I used this line of code: ( head -5 courses.csv ; echo $‘’) > courses_test.csv
the file looks just like what the hint says it should look like. but I can’t move to the next step and it keeps showing this message: Your “courses_test.csv” file should have the correct rows. please help. thank you.

Hi, i’ve had a similar problem where github plays up, I recommend resetting, then copy the hint again to make sure there cannot be any mistakes. I overcame my problem by restarting the whole project. (which is very VERY annoying!) and there was another way which you had to open up something then comment out all the steps…

So I just chose the file from the Explorer and paste the hint there and added the extra empty line and it was fixed :expressionless: . thank you for your time and for the reply.

no worries! I’m glad you worked through it and didn’t have to reset! Good luck with the rest of your project and hopefully there are no more issues.