Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 4

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/* User Editable Region */

text = 'Hello World'

/* User Editable Region */

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Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 4

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To print the variable text use this syntax:


To access the first character in the string stored in the variable text use this syntax:


The number in the square brackets is referred to as the “index”. To access the character at the index 1 in the variable text use this syntax:


Just keep in mind the numbering of the index/position starts at 0. The first position would be 0, second position is 2.

Now put those examples together and print the character in text at index 6

Hello! I’m stuck at this step as well. My code looks like this:
my_string = “Hello World”
ChatGPT says the code is right but it’s not letting me pass.

Now, instead of printing text, print just the character at index 6.

the character at index 6 of text. Don’t use the variables given in the example, that’s just for a demonstration. You should reset it and just make a small modification to the print line.

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