It wants you to modify the caesar function call. The function is being called but an error is occurring because the function parameters aren’t receiving any values.
You need to pass both text and shift as arguments so that message and offset receive values.
Parameters are variables that act as placeholders for the values that are to be input to a function when it is called. When a function is defined, it is typically defined along with one or more parameters. The actual values that are input (or “passed”) into a function when it is called are known as arguments.
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Parameters are variables that act as placeholders for the values that are to be input to a function when it is called. When a function is defined, it is typically defined along with one or more parameters. The actual values that are input (or “passed”) into a function when it is called are known as arguments.
Currently, your code raises a TypeError, because the caesar function is defined with two parameters (message and offset), therefore it expects to be called with two arguments.
Give message and offset values, by passing text and shift as arguments to the caesar function call.
For this step, call the caesar function, with text and shift between the parentheses.