Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 70

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where is my error please find it
and give solution

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text = 'Hello Zaira'
custom_key = 'python'

def vigenere(message, key):
    key_index = 0
    alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    encrypted_text = ''

    for char in message.lower():
        # Append space to the message
        if char == ' ':
            encrypted_text += char
            # Find the right key character to encode
            key_char = key[key_index % len(key)]
            key_index += 1

            # Define the offset and the encrypted letter
            offset = alphabet.index(key_char)
            index = alphabet.find(char)
            new_index = (index + offset) % len(alphabet)
            encrypted_text += alphabet[new_index]
    return encrypted_text
# encryption = vigenere(text, custom_key)
# print(encryption)

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Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 70

Add a third parameter called direction to your function definition.

You haven’t added another parameter to your function definition.

where i will add parameters

Your function (vigenere) currently has two parameters, message and key. On the line where you define the function, you should add another parameter (direction) inside the parentheses, next to the other two.

def vigenere(message, key , direction):
this is correct or not

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Yes, that should pass. Sorry, I gave incorrect parameter names in my post above (now corrected).

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