Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 70

Could somebody explain me that?

These are the instructions given:
Encryption and decryption are opposite processes and your function can do both with a couple of tweaks.
Add a third parameter called direction to your function definition. Also, comment out the last two lines to avoid errors in the console.

Your code so far:

text = 'Hello Zaira'
custom_key = 'python'

def vigenere(message, key, direction):
    key_index = 0
    alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    encrypted_text = ''

    for char in message.lower():

        # Append space to the message
        if char == ' ':
            encrypted_text += char
            # Find the right key character to encode
            key_char = key[key_index % len(key)]
            key_index += 1

            # Define the offset and the encrypted letter
            offset = alphabet.index(key_char)
            index = alphabet.find(char)
            new_index = (index + offset) % len(alphabet)
            encrypted_text += alphabet[new_index]

    return encrypted_text
#encryption = vigenere(text, custom_key, direction)

So it look like everything ok, also because in a similar thread (Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 69) a user was stuck at the same step and the only problem was that him don’t put the comment right on the last two loines of code and that was sufficent for the solution. But despite I’ve done everything like that, the site still report that I have to put the two last line on comment anyway.

Hi there and welcome to our community!

It looks like you’re on Step 70 (not 69).
However, all you need to do to pass this step is remove the direction parameter from the commented out line at the bottom of your code. You only needed to add that parameter to the function definition, not to the function call also.

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Hi, yeah you’re right is Step 70 and not 69, I’d already chang it.
That’s true it was just that, I never had in mind to go checking the comment for an error, is incredible how this site try to keep you focused.

Thank you!