Learn the Bisection Method by Finding the Square Root of a Number - Step 6

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I can’t solve this. Step 6. on Learn the bisection method by finding the square root of a number. Is there a video that can help me understand this better? Thanks.

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def square_root_bisection(square_target, tolerance=1e-7, max_iterations=100):
    if square_target < 0:
        raise ValueError('Square root of negative number is not defined in real numbers')
    if square_target == 1:
        root = 1
        print(f'The square root of {square_target} is 1')
        return root

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Learn the Bisection Method by Finding the Square Root of a Number - Step 6

Try to break the instructions down into steps or lines:

1. declare a variable root and assign it the value 1 . 
2. Also, print the message 'The square root of {square_target} is 1'.

The instructions have 2 steps, or 2 lines of code. Only 2…