Learn Tree Traversal by Building a Binary Search Tree - Step 24

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am i missing somethung i need a hint, palllleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeeee

Your code so far

class TreeNode:

    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class BinarySearchTree:

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def _insert(self, node, key):
        if node is None:
            return TreeNode(key)

        if key < node.key:
            node.left = self._insert(node.left, key)
        elif key > node.key:

            node.right = self._insert(node.right, key)
        return node

    def insert(self, key):
        self.root = self._insert(self.root, key)

# User Editable Region

    def _search(self, node, key):
        if node is None or node.key == key:
            return node
        if key < node.key:
            return self._search(node.left, key)
        return self._search(node.right, key)
    def search(self, key):
       return self._search(self.root, key) 

# User Editable Region

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Learn Tree Traversal by Building a Binary Search Tree - Step 24

nvm i just got home from boxing head ain’t working the best

you need to delete the word “return” from your last line.

Hi welcome to the forum :wave:. Thanks for helping out but you don’t need to reply to a 2 month old post, usually it’s been solved already by then.

You can also see they wrote “nvm” which means “nevermind”
