It is great that you solved the challenge, but instead of posting your full working solution, it is best to stay focused on answering the original poster’s question(s) and help guide them with hints and suggestions to solve their own issues with the challenge.
We are trying to cut back on the number of spoiler solutions found on the forum and instead focus on helping other campers with their questions and definitely not posting full working solutions.
I suspect you are making changes that are not part of the Step. If you make any extra changes that are not part of the Step, you can prevent the test suite from finding the code you wrote.
Its totally fine to skip steps. I’m just pointing out the issue with unrequested changes because every solution you posted had changes that were not requested by the challenge, and that’s a common issue that will cause otherwise correct code to fail.
I think I can help you as I had an issue with this step as well. Please don’t give up. You may just need to move on and come back to it later or take a break. Hopefully, what I say here will set you in the right direction…fingers crossed! I know it gets frustrating.
You have too many spans in your code for this step. Reset this step by clicking on the arrow that forms a circle or hit the ctrl F5 keys. I see two sets, one right after the left-container and one right after the p element with calories.
Delete one of the span set and move the other one.
****I can’t give you the direct answer but only allowed to guide you.
Everything in-between your div (h2, div calories-info, p calories) are NESTED. If the instructions asked you to NEST, then where you currently have your span with text 230 would be correct. But it’s not correct because it’s not asking you to NEST.
It is not asking you to nest it within your left-container. It is asking you to put it BELOW it. So everything that is supposed to be nested within your (div class left container) acts as one entity. So you would put your span 230 where? not nested within the entity but…
Hopefully this helps you. Let me know if it doesn’t and I can try to help you further.
Within your .calories-info element, create a div element. Give that div element a class attribute set to left-container . Within the newly created div element, create a h2 element with the text Amount per serving . Give the h2 element a class attribute set to bold small-text .
<div class="calories-info"><div class="left-container"><h2 class="bold small-text">Amount per serving</h2></div>
Below your .small-text element, create a new p element with the text Calories. Also below the .left-container element, create a new span element with the text 230.