Hey, my code won’t pass it keeps sending the error " Your new p element should have the text Cholesterol 0mg 0% ." but i am pretty sure the ‘p’ element does have the text ‘Cholesterol 0mg 0%’
any help would be appreciated and please forgive me if the wrong format of posting problems was used, its my first time posting here.
From the looks of it, the HTML you pasted above is correct. Is it possible you accidentally changed something else? It is always best to post all of your HTML/CSS in here, not just the single line you are working on, just in case you did accidentally change something else we can help you find it.
You added a few extra closing </div> tags that shouldn’t be there. If you can’t figure out where they are then I would restart the step to get the original HTML back and only add the new p element (with the necessary spans inside of it) and nothing else.