Let’s discuss your “Voting App”

Nice Work!
Can you please tell me the commands you typed to create project folders or templates i.e
I mean the express commands

Hello mates, my voting app is here;

Glitch-me - https://votenow.glitch.me/
Github - https://github.com/mgjean/vote-now

Have a great day !

Completed it! Please provide feedback.

Project Link – https://pollroll.herokuapp.com

It took me a while to finish this but it was worth the time. I learned a whole lot.



  • Express.js
  • Pug
  • jQuery
  • Passport.js
  • Chart.js

Hi all

Here is my project link : https://voting-app7.herokuapp.com/
any feedback is welcome!
I used:

  • express and mongodb for the backend
  • passport for authentication
  • pug for templating
  • Bootstrap,jQuery and D3 for charting


Hi Campers,

Took me a long time, I used React + Redux + Express + MongoDB to build this project with server side rendering. Any feedback will be very appreciated!

Project link: VotingApp
GitHub Repo: Repo

Hi Freecodecampers!

It took me a week to finish the Voting App!:

GitHub :

GitHub - triminhvi/Voting_App: a full stack voting application with node.js, express.js, mongodb, and ejs





Any feedback will be very appreciated. Thanks :grinning:

Wow finally done! :grinning:

This project took me exactly a month to complete, but considering the jump to Full-Stack, it’s not unexpected. Defiantly the highest jump in the freeCodeCamp curriculum. At times I thought I’d never make it but here I am!

I ended up using the MERN stack with react-router for client side routing, Victory Charts & Material-UI for display, and passport-facebook for authentication.

I got really stuck trying to hook up react, router, and express. I also learned redux, but realized that redux would be unnecessary for the small scope of this project.

Link: https://fcc-mern-voting-app.herokuapp.com/
Github Repo: https://github.com/supersoupcan/fcc-mern-voting-app/


@Dereje1 Thanks! I switched to heroku.

Just got done too,
Link : https://fcc-voting-app-dereje1.herokuapp.com/
Repo: https://github.com/Dereje1/Voting-App

By far the most demanding project yet, took me over 2 weeks to complete. Like Many I used the MERN stack, and used Redux with React as well as mongoose with mongo db. There are so many moving parts that it will take a while to even get comfortable with taking on full stack projects let alone mastering it. But finishing this project certainly feels like a step in the right direction.

@supersoupcan your cloud9 link isn’t working

I completed it in 4 days, feel free to use it and give me your honest opinion.


app: https://knik-fcc-vote.herokuapp.com/
github: https://github.com/nikrb/fcc-vote

feedback / code review welcome :slight_smile: . If you are inclined please create a github issue when you find a bug.
thanx for your time,

app: https://fcc-gmojo-vote.herokuapp.com/
github: https://github.com/gmojo/fcc-vote

Took me around a month to build and almost gave up several times. I am glad to have persevered as it was a great learning experience.

Built using React, React-Router and Semantic UI on the front-end. Express Mongo/Mongoose API back-end. Passport Github/Google for authentication.

I have cheated somewhat and just used progress bars for the data visualization. I played around with some packages (like chart.js) and just didn’t like the options. D3 would be better but takes some time to learn so decided to leave it for another project.

I was having issues with Github authentication during deployment but I think it has been fixed. If anyone finds any bugs please let me know.

Here’s the app and the code.

It took me a couple of months. Being my first full stack app, just learning my way around the clementine boilerplate and seeing how it worked was a huge challenge (routing, database, authentication). Then learning to use new tools (React, D3 etc.) and incorporating them into the app. I feel every struggle was worth it though. I’ve grown a lot through this project.

I’m looking forward to the next challenge. Feedbacks are highly appreciated.

Hello, campers!
Just finished my project app github.
It took me about a month to finish this one. It was a hard time taking into the account my full-time non-IT job.
Few words about frameworks and technologies used. Front end part built as SPA application using Vue.js and Chart.js, back end part is based on Koa.js 2, MongoDB (with Mongoose ODM) and uses JWT as user authentication method.
Besides, I was developing locally, so there was a lot of fighting with tools like webpack, pm2, eslint and a bunch of my VS Code plugins. Used Glitch.com for hosting app.
All opinions are welcome.

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Here’s mine:
Comments are more than welcome

Nice job - your app looks good!

Mine can be found here: https://vast-beach-87720.herokuapp.com

And the repo (develop branch): https://github.com/RadDog25/uVote

Built with Bulma, Vue, Express, and Mongoose!

Hi Guys,
I’ve completed my voting application as part of the back-end development certification. I would really appreciate some feedback. I took some weeks working on this, I tested a lot, hopefully there isn’t any bugs :slight_smile:. See links below:

Heroku App: https://youvote-fcc.herokuapp.com/ (May load slowly on the first time, dyno goes to sleep)
Github Repo: https://github.com/deseanellis/youvote

Built with React, Redux, ReduxThunk, Express, Mongo
Also it’s mobile-friendly :slight_smile:

DeSean Ellis

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Hey Guys… FInally done with my first dynamic project.
I would love to hear your views. :slight_smile:
Project Link —> http://votem3-hemakshis.herokuapp.com/
GitHub Repo —> https://github.com/hemakshis/fcc-voting-app

Thank you for your time :grinning:

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Looks great! I’m working on the voting app myself right now :slight_smile:

Project => https://jolav.me/freecodecamp/old/apps/voting/voting.html
Source Code => https://github.com/jolav/freeCodeCamp/tree/master/old/apps/voting