Let's discuss your "Game of Life"

If somebody would provide some feedback, I would appreciate it!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/drunknzombiecow/full/EmGPmo/

Hi there, here is my implementation: https://absolitudo.github.io/Game-of-life/

My effort

Here is my project. Feedback are welcome.

project link - https://ayamimu.github.io/game_of_life/

Any feedback is welcome.

Be awesome!
Iā€™m unfamiliar with HTML canvas, so Iā€™m surprised to performance speed of it.
Although itā€™s a hard work to change the structure, you did it.
Add to that,and this game settings have a lot of flexibility.
User friendly.

This time I have solved the project with svg, but I would be going to learn canvas thanks to you.
Thanks to show your project.

Hey guys,

here is my projectā€™s link - https://danieldauk.github.io/Game-of-Life/.

I would really appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:

Hello please check out my Game of Life Project and give me your feedback

Looks good, you may want to reset generation counter to zero when random or clear are clicked.

typo ā€œGreed Sizeā€ should be ā€œGrid Sizeā€

Thanks for your feedback. Iā€™ve fixed it.

Thanks for your feedback I will definitely look into it :smile:

Hereā€™s mine.
Any and all feedback appreciated.

Here is my Game of Life.

Iā€™ve added a feature to save your figures in your browser.

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Here is my project, Feedback welcome.
GitHub code
Game of Life - Web App

Your game is nice. It produces new generations very fast. The design is new and interesting (not a standard grid of cells). I like a logo and an icon. Just 1 small suggestion - may be you would like to generate a new game pattern after pushing ā€œclearā€ and then ā€œstartā€ button.

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Here is my version of ā€œGame of Lifeā€.
I added some additional functionality:

  • adjustment of an initial pattern of live cells,
  • more grids for mobile devices

Game of life.
Thank you for any feedback. :smiley:

Hello, fellows!
Here is my version of ā€œBuild the game of lifeā€ project based on React + redux and canvas (no mobile version for now). Any feedback and code reviews are greatly appreciated.
Project Link - https://codepen.io/askov/full/Xaegbv/


Here is mine : https://dereje1.github.io/Game-Of-Life/

Using only React and plain JS, the best I could get the update rate was a dismal 50 ms for a 50X50 grid, looking into it what was eating up most of the time, i found was actually not the rendering itself but scanning thru every single element looking for live cells, this gives me an area to make the algo faster in the future but I stopped for now since i had fulfilled all the user stories. If anybody can help me to improve my algo as is (without using canvas/jquery) Iā€™d appreciate it.

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Here is my game of life. I used React to create an HTML table with blank entries, but stylized with a background color green/black depending on the state of the board.

To Dereje1, I really liked the look of your game. Regarding speed, my issue was the rendering taking up time. I tested this by rendering all the table entries as all green (rather than green/black depending on the board state) yet still updated the board at each generation. It went much faster, so this indicates that the rending taking up time. Since this issue is beyond my control, I decided to stop from there.

As for as my algorithm, I just tallied up the neighbors for every cell in order to get the next state.

I noticed that even without rendering, there were some hiccups every few seconds in calculating the generations. I would bet that thatā€™s because of garbage collection. I would make a new 2D array for every generation, and the browser probably has to garbage-collect everything. Maybe if I alternated between using two specific arrays in memory I could bypass the garbage collection issue, but as for now I think Iā€™m finished with this project.

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