Let's discuss your "Markdown Previewer"

Vanilla JS

Project Link --> https://codepen.io/BrusBilis/full/RGZxmZ

Hereā€™s my project

3 improvements Iā€™ve implemented due to the forum and stackOverflow Thanks!!!:

  • I liked the idea of placing the raw Text as a placeholder so you donā€™t have to delete the text
  • automatic scrolling. Found via stackOverflow.
  • copy html / text option

Lemme know if you have other suggestions!!!

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/Tattomoosa/pen/KgZgxv

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Awesome project. You simplified it so much and you understand Reactā€™s DOM abstraction. I went the other way, introducing a redux store, and all that jazz.

To quote Eintein ā€œMake it simple, not simplerā€

Good job

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Nothing bad about learning Redux! Yours has those extra features and your preview really shows the power of Markdown (although I donā€™t know about that bit at the bottomā€¦)

My jaw dropped when mine actually worked on the first run with like 10 lines of code. That never happens!

Love your commenting :smiley:

I shouldnā€™t be looking, iā€™m not up to this bit yet!

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Link- https://codepen.io/TheCoderr/full/rrPxZk/

Hello Campers. Here is my project - http://codepen.io/yasserhussain1110/full/KNwWGY/

Pretty happy to learn ReactJS and ES6, the first try of ReactJS feels great.

Hereā€™s mine: http://codepen.io/LarryMary/pen/ObyKKj?editors=0010. I got pretty lost trying to figure out how to pass information between components. Feels a little better now. Sass where ya been all my life? Next project Iā€™ll use ES6.


Here is my first react app: http://codepen.io/pfpirlet/pen/MbbvWN
Iā€™m worried about the fact that the initial content of <textarea> is hardcoded twice. Didnā€™t find the solution to avoid duplicating it. Any idea ?

Project - http://codepen.io/pkshreeman/pen/qqXEBQ/

Thank you for offering critiques and feedback.

Just finished mine!:

Project Link - http://codepen.io/chemok78/full/WozgYW/

Here is my solution, appreciate feedback!


Project Link - https://codepen.io/denisinvader/pen/jVXWLb

I can type html tags in markdown:)

Hi guys, could I have some reviews on my Markdown Prevewer project. http://codepen.io/bernarddoci/full/ENGNdM/

Yes you can. I just pipe the input through the libraryā€¦

Very good, like the use of SCSS and the shades, itā€™s a nice touch.

There is sanitize option in marked.js.
Just write:

  sanitize: true

And app will be safer. We canā€™t trust the user)