Let's discuss your "Personal Portfolio Webpage"

Amazing! Your design and coding skills work beautifully together.

Very nice page! flows very well

Hi Krystal, I have to say that yours is my favourite portfolio page so far. I especially loved the spinning wheel! How did you get that wheel to spin?? :slight_smile:

My portfolio page: https://hans-ng.github.io/

Many thanks for all feedback!


I bought a cheap domain name while hosting it on github to have it looking more professional: isaie.xyz

Feedback will be appreciated !

My portfolio - http://codepen.io/RedBricked/full/WoGwBM/

Iā€™m still tinkering with it. i know my navigation bar and contact form still need some work.

some overall feedback would be appreciated.

My Portfolio- Click here

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated


It looks really great! The design and the scroll are awesome!

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Here is mine: http://codepen.io/blinv/full/YpVYwy/
I am already a logo designer so i used some of my logos for the portfolio rather than web screenshots which i havenā€™t worked. Had really fun creating this project, took me quite some hours actually! :smiley: Looking forward to the next challenges now.


Hi! Your portfolio page is not bad at all, but there are some issues on resposiveness. The navbar collapses in the right way, but the hamburger button doesnā€™t work. Take a look at bootstrap docs to fix it. You could also add the scrollspy feature. The about section on medium and small screen becomes too tight: you could remove left and right padding and take advantage of the bootstrap grid, setting proper col-md-* col-lg-* and relative col-*-offset values. The projects thumbnails, on medium screens are stretched horizontally. To verify the behavior of your page on different size screens you could open the debug view of your Pen and use the Responsive design mode of your browser (ctr+shift+m). For a further control, you can take a look at responsiv.eu site.

@dem-s thank you for taking the time and review my portfolio. I will definitely work on the responsiveness of the site.

Hi, beginner coder here so canā€™t offer much technical feedback but none of your images or icons are loading for me, I get the broken image icon, at the top, portfolio section and footer. Also the social media links donā€™t work. Unfortunate that we canā€™t see your logos! Hope you can figure it out

My portfolio page: http://codepen.io/the-oc/full/dOOEma/
Thank you for any feedback.

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Oh wow, until yesterday they were just fine, i think itā€™s just the links have changed, will fix it soon. thanks for the feedback.

Hey again, thanks for the feedback once again. The images had been deleted from my postimage.org account and i find this very strange. However I re uploaded, feel free to check it out now: http://codepen.io/blinv/full/YpVYwy/

Hi, hereā€™s my portfolio page (just HTML and CSS so far) - http://codepen.io/rachaelcodes/full/eBvdvw/

Any tips or insights would be fantastic. My biggest annoyance with it is that the navigation bar doesnā€™t work on mobile, so advice about that would be especially helpful

HI all. Iā€™ve completed my first stab at the portfolio page. Feedback always welcome. I think as time goes by I will add more to it from my learning. Hope you like it.
Project Link - http://codepen.io/Gavinthebarbarian/full/BQdjyj/

Project Link - https://codepen.io/tonystaark/pen/wombXB

So many great websites here I have seen. Mine seems to be pale in comparison.
Anyhow, I will post it first while continue to improve it. Appreciate any feedback.

Hi Campers,

Just finished my Personal Portfolio Page, I kept this challenge for the end right before getting the front end certification. Feedback are more than welcome :slight_smile:.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/yeptony/full/yVvGbB/



Hi, help me with your feedback, please.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/laisgomes/full/yVaKqW/
