Let's discuss your "Personal Portfolio Webpage"

Project Link - http://codepen.io/six03/pen/YyEppW


It is kind of ugly, but I plan on building upon its style as I get feedback and learn more.
Any and all feedback welcome.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/jgost93/full/womrbW/


Project Link - http://codepen.io/six03/pen/YyEppW/

Feedback and comments are welcomed.

Hi, everyone! :grinning::fire:
Iā€™m a very beginner and I made my first page.
I would like to have some advices about how to speed up my Portfolio and websites in general on front-end side.
Webtool like this tells:
Combine external JavaScript
Leverage browser caching
I understand that it refers to FCC part too, but still, mb somebody can give some advice or tell where to read about it. Because, I am a bit confused after intense googling without proper background.:sweat:
Of course, some code review, any suggestions about design, functionality, fonts, whatever would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

See the Pen Herman_Portfolio by Herman (@Faramoond) on CodePen.

Hi! :slight_smile:
If you prefer to you solid colors, I would recommend you to use some color scheme to choose colors that look more harmonically.
I think, better increase height and font-height of the header a bit to improve readability.
I would decrease div with info about you to col-sm-6. Also, you can use different grids for different size of screens! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Hey, laisgomes!
It looks lovely! :blush:
The only thing that, I think, the background of the form is too dark.
Are these blank white space in footer supposed to be?
Great job!

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Project link - https://codepen.io/rbiddis1/full/gLQOmz/

This one was tough for me. It was difficult to build from the ground up.

Project link - http://codepen.io/madyNa/full/Jbqjaz/

I need your feedback for improvement. Thank you !

Itā€™s super nice!! I really like the layout!

would love some feedback on my portfolio:

Project link- https://codepen.io/dolidollsss/full/PbWWZz/


hey, good job, I do have a couple suggestions:
1- for me the image isnā€™t working, make sure it is an image from online the ones from your computer wonā€™t work
2- the light green text is a little hard to read with the white background, try a darker green color or maybe an off-white background.

hope that helps!

Great thank you Dolibeth, Iā€™ve done some changes taking into account your suggestions, which were very helpfull.

I still have some issues with the responsiveness but I donā€™t know why for example the page is divided into two parts, on one all seems good but the other one it has a white background, which shouldnā€™t be.

Here is the new link : http://codepen.io/madyNa/full/Jbqjaz/

Thanks for future remarks and suggestions.

Hello everybody!
Check my project here - https://codepen.io/wually/full/bBzpmq/
Still lot to improve, so feedbacks are well accepted! :slight_smile:

Hello!!! This is my webpage https://codepen.io/taisjaques/full/oYKaXj/


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, while I was doing it I thought that I should look into color schemes to make it easier on the eyes, but figured I would just stick with completing the user stories and build on it as a learn more.

The whole grid concept is still confusing to me a little bit (Iā€™ve basically just been using trial and error so far), but I am brand new to all of this so bare with me on my next question:
Are you saying to use different grids for different size of screens as in, for example ā€”> class=ā€œcol-lg-4 col-mid-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-10ā€?
I could see how that would be an efficient way to specifically adjust the grid based on screen size, I just thought that I should only use one grid-size and it would scale up.

Again, thank you for the feedback! I will make the adjustments you recommended.

Hi there. Hereā€™s my potrfolio page: http://codepen.io/hodakkm/full/MJgadJ/. I went back and forth a few times on the design. The third image under the portfolio section links to a previous version that I thought was a bit too busy.


Hi all. Hereā€™s my personal portfolio page. Iā€™ve tried to use the Bootstrap carousel to make the display a bit more interesting.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/electronicdreamplant/full/BQXgdE/

Hi Jay,

I like the clean, minimalist design of your page and look forward to seeing the portfolio fleshed out with future projects. I agree with the previous post about the font size in the nav bar but am ok with the grey color scheme. However, I found this color matching tool in the forum recently thatā€™s helped me put colors together: http://paletton.com/

I really like it, Lais! The only feedback I have is to consider adding target="_blank" to your social media and portfolio links in a new window. Congrats on a super nice design.

Hi everybody!
I have created my first Personal Portfolio Webpage http://codepen.io/annasvst/full/MbNEKZ/. Would really appreciate any feedback.

Got stuck with the contact form on the last page. It doesnā€™t work properly. I want an email to be sent directly from the webpage without opening email client but did not find the way to do it.
Is it possible to send email from a form without using PHP?

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