Let's discuss your "Personal Portfolio Webpage"

Let me know what you think.

here it is, round two w/ responsiveness

Portfolio Page round 2

Any feedback is appreciated


the links donā€™t go anywhere, itā€™s linked to my local html files that obviously arent there

Project link - http://codepen.io/Laurynasxl/full/OWJzvJ/

Hi! Would like to hear feedback and advice. Took me 18hrs, of searching and coding to complete. I am aware of a few bugs myself (i.e navbar), but have no clue how to fix them until get more knowledge and experience. Probably will have to come back later an either fix it or re-build from scratch. But still very proud with myself as ony two weeks ago didnā€™t know I can do even this much. Would appreciate not only the comments pointing what is wrong, but also giving directions on how to fix it. (i.e. playing with margins, changing divs, etc). Thanks in advance!

Hey campers,

Here is my Portfolio Page.

Took me quite a while, but I learned a ton!
I would appreciate taking some time to get it a look and provide any feedback. Next move is getting it to work locally, hosting it on GitHub Pages, and mapping a URL to it.

Looking forward to continuing to learn in FCC and hearing any feedback!



Hey man, seems like no one really gives feedback on these anymore (I uploaded mine and still havenā€™t gotten any feedback. and meanwhile was just wandering around checking out other peopleā€™s)

Yours is awesome man, I donā€™t know how much programming experience you already had before starting this, but the design looks slick, i like the animation of your title and the navbar use.

Just one note: when the downward arrow is clicked, it hides half of the text ā€˜Hi, Iā€™m Ben!ā€™ I think you gotta take account the fixed navbar up top and offset it a little bit (lookup - scrollspy: offset) if you used bootstrap

once again its very cool! check out mine if you can and give me some feedback!

happy coding!

Hey, thanks a lot!

It does unfortunately seem like people post and leave, that should change.

I have just some basic experience, looking to gain a lot more.
The note is a good one and one Iā€™m aware of but couldnā€™t really find a good answer to, so thanks for the tip!
It has to do with the header being a ā€œcontainer-fluidā€ that contains some bottom padding that I had to correct for so they touchedā€¦anyway, donā€™t need to get into specifics here.

Iā€™ll definitely check yours out and reply there.
I appreciate the gesture.

Best of luck to you and thanks again!

Looking good and great responsiveness!

Few notes/thoughts below:

  1. Have you thought about making the navbar fixed to the top or appear again on scrolling up?
  2. The placeholder images are funny but might be offputting to some who donā€™t have a sense of humor.
  3. I really like the contact form - Itā€™s simple and effective, well done!
  4. I like the idea of your picture as the home button, but itā€™s hard to see, even on a big screen - consider placing it on the page somewhere

Other than that, itā€™s looking good, keep it up!

oops, I left those images there just for references when I was building it - I forgot to take them out! (including the navbar brand img) haha

Thanks for the notes, Iā€™m looking into how to make the navbar reappear when scrolling up, since I already know how to keep it fixed and I wanna try other things haha.

Thanks again !

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I obviously donā€™t possess all of the skills portrayed on this page, but this is what I it might look like in a year or two when Iā€™m actually job ready. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
Project Link - https://codepen.io/shea_butter/pen/jyMawP

Copy is Lorem Ipsum and projects are placeholder images, wanted to focus on the design and functionality.

Any feedback would be much appreciated, cheers!

Project Link - http://codepen.io/paul2407/full/PWJZop/

I like what youā€™ve done with the three sections down the bottom, contact etc, cool concept!

Iā€™d love any and all feedback on my portfolio project. TIA!

Project Link - http://codepen.io/Lexis9784/full/QdvEdx/

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You seem to have followed the instructions & incorporated the user stories, but I think it needs a lil something extra. Try adding some color & experiment with some font combinations.

I like the colors you used & how you explain how you will be updating it as you go. I do think the social media icons in the footer are a little big & I can see the seam where the background of your navbar repeats.

Thanks so much for your critique, I will look into those issues!! :slight_smile:

Great start, Monica! Iā€™m not too experienced with coding myself (my background is graphic design), but I think something that would help a lot is to make the site responsive so that the image resizes when you resize the browser window. To do this you can revisit the section of the FreeCodeCamp called ā€œUse Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containersā€ and follow the instructions about installing Bootstrap (just copy and paste the code that loads Bootstrap) and wrapping your site content in a div with class ā€œcontainer-fluidā€

Would love some feedback on my portfolio -
Please also comment about how the HTML and CSS are organized! I need help with best practices and semanticsā€¦. I have mostly design experience but this is my second time coding completely from scratch (first one was the tribute page).

Personal Portfolio using Flexbox

Personal Portfolio

I would hire you for harambe alone!