Let's discuss your "Personal Portfolio Webpage"

Can anybody explain how to get the “smooth scrolling” effect when clicking one of the nav buttons? I have seen this everywhere but couldn’t find any documentation, javascript and/or jQuery would be awesome

Finally finished mine! It took me a while to decide on colors and stuff. It’s not as fancy as some of the others, but I’m pretty proud of myself. :slight_smile:

Project link - https://codepen.io/gaykittens/full/ZLxJYB/

Feedback is super appreciated!



Feedbacks are welcome!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/marcelobelli/full/YNLwyv/

Hi @mabbasi09.
You can use jQuery.localScroll plugin which requires jQuery.scrollTo plugin: jQuery.ScrollTo, jQuery.ScrollTo GitHub,
jQuery.LocalScroll, jQuery.LocalScroll GitHub.
I’ve just tried it http://codepen.io/AlexBioJS/pen/apKZwb/


Wow your portfolio page is gorgeous! Well done :smile:

Please take a look at my portfolio: http://codepen.io/arry14/full/XpzBWM/

I’m still learning the ins and outs, and the nuances of HTML and CSS (haven’t touched on Javascript yet). I shall update the portfolio page as I build my portfolio, and learn new things/stylings/scripts to add.


Project Link: https://is-web-development.bitballoon.com/

Feedback is very welcome!

Project Link - http://codepen.io/kar3ning/full/dNmOBO/

Feedback appreciated. :slight_smile:

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I really like the use of color in your design and your layout really nice job. Just as an FYI, your link for “About” is not working. I was at the bottom of the screen and clicked “About” thinking it would take me back to the top. Not sure if you meant to do that or not, but if not I wanted to let you know.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/lazytechmom/pen/RKYpOy

I’m so happy I accomplished this much, and even if you all hate it I’m overjoyed lol. Feedback appreciated!

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Hello, everyone!
After a few days struggling I’ve finally “finished” my Personal Portfolio Webpage!
I would really appreciate any comments/suggestions!

Project Link - http://codepen.io/yagosansz/pen/MJBEvm

Thank you!

Wow! I really like your website’s design!

Really? Thanks, I appreciate it!

Project Link- http://codepen.io/dthiberville/full/OWBXXV/

Here is my portfolio. It isn’t finished yet but would like feedback as I am working toward the end goal. Thanks!

I really liked viewing your portfolio. I know that you have put a lot of work into it. One suggestion that I have is that at the top of the page, there is too much white space. Maybe you could add an image on the right side. It is important to try and not have to much white space as it becomes wasted space on a webpage. Just a suggestion otherwise great job!

Whoops… fixed that. :slight_smile: Thanks!

Thank you! I actually had a picture there (it’s still in my code, in notes), but I got frustrated with it. It wasn’t centering correctly (maybe I need a table for the text and the image?), it was covering text at times… I was just annoyed.

I’ll attempt to add another image today and figure it out.

Hi, everyone.
Here is my project link -http://codepen.io/trainer88/pen/vgGpwJ
I’m super nervous about your feedback, please let me know what you guys think.
Thank you very much.

Project link - http://codepen.io/cmsales/full/vgQJxL/


Just posting my initial personal portfolio page. Its a bit of a Bootstrap/Flexbox mash up. I may do a few different layouts with focuses specifically on one or the other (bootstrap, pure CSS, or flexbox based grids). Just to hone my chops. Some of the social links were purposely left inactive as well as footer links.

I would appreciate any feedback. Please be sure to check it in edit view and adjust the size. It should be responsive. I think I sorted any breaks with media queries.

Personal Portfolio: Take 1

p.s. Clicking the JM will pull up my old site which I just nabbed a template to get something up there.