Let's discuss your "Pomodoro Clock"

Greetings, Fellow Campers!

This topic is for listing and review of Pomodoro Clock projects built as a part of FCC challenges. Please stick to these basic rules to keep the topic clean:-

  • Post your Codepen (or other) link to your project as a general reply to this topic.
  • For Codepen links use the following format to avoid embedding the pen:-
Project Link - [http://codepen.io/santakmishra/full/pgqOYq/](http://codepen.io/santakmishra/full/pgqOYq/)
  • Post reviews as a specific reply to the link which you are reviewing.

Project Link - http://2am.ninja/timer/


Analog Pomodomo timer - FCC themed.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/RickStewart/full/zrqyqg/

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project link - http://codepen.io/galencorey/full/QELweg/

It runs well at first glance but I think there’s a bug in it somewhere. It would be super helpful if you tried running it in the background for a while and see if it freezes up.

Also, question on how people interpreted this project. Is the pomodoro supposed to alternate between sessions and breaks forever, or is it supposed to do it only four times?

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/santakmishra/full/BzoWBw/

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Your looks so neat and awesome. I tried running it with 1 min and 2 min cycles a few times and it worked smoothly. If there’s a bug, I couldn’t find it.

As to your question, there’s no official user story as to whether it should loop and how many times. Mine just does one Session and Break cycle, then stops. I guess it’s up to you. :slight_smile:

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/elrolfe/full/BzoPGW/

I decided to play around some with the HTML5 Canvas element. I’m pretty happy with the results.

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Nice use of canvas. I have been meaning to use canvas for my projects too but never quite got round to it. Yours is inspiring though. Maybe I’ll use it in my next project. :slight_smile:

Thank you! I like how clean and neat your project looks. Having the color drain from behind the tomato as the time winds down is a nice twist. Makes me think of an hourglass. Good job!

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Project Link- https://codepen.io/imtoobose/full/EyVmxZ/

I used canvas as well but couldn’t make the animation smooth as it updates every second. I suppose I should have used the Date object and updated every 16 ms or so? I’ll work on it after the other ftont-end projects. Everyone else has made such fantastic timer animations!

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Check it out


Your project looks awesome. Very clean and modern looking. Excellent work!

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Very cool. The block running around your timer when the pen is opened is a nice touch.

My pomoTimer: https://fngr2911.github.io/pomoTimer/

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/Mientje/full/XKdrwM/

I’d like a review. Thank you and greets, Mientje

Nice one!, I like the material design

One thing I noticed is that when I mouse over the start button it doesn’t appear clickable. You can change this by adding: cursor: pointer; to the css of the start button element. Looks good otherwise!

Project Link – https://velenir.github.io/pomodoro-timer/ .
Please take a look.

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Hey Campers!Please check my Pomodoro Clock and give your valuable feedbacks! Yes…animation part is not perfect…it’s not smooth.And it is not perfectly synchronise with timer (digital) for minutes like 5 or more.
here it is
Project Link - https://codepen.io/FaizAhmadF/full/EyybWX/

Thank you for the tip and the review. Looks more professional now,