Link API Data to Global Variable

Hi all,

I’m having trouble linking my API data to a variable declared in global scope. Can someone help explain my issue?

let dataset = {};

.then(response => response.json()) //converts request from fetch to json
.then(data => {
 dataset = JSON.stringify(data["data"]);


dataset does not seem to be referred to as a variable in the data function. The console reads the empty object at the top with no JSON data inside.

hey @Neralizer,

This console.log will be called before the fetch has added anything to your variable, that is why it will show as empty, try like this instead…

let dataset = {};

.then(response => response.json()) //converts request from fetch to json
.then(data => {
 dataset = JSON.stringify(data["data"]);
}).then(() => {

or a better way to do it is just have all your code run in an init function with your data …

const url = ""

window.onload = async () => {
  const response = await fetch(url)
  const data = await response.json()
  //initilize with data

function init({ data }) {

  //run your code here and with data

check out asynchronous


Hey @biscuitmanz, thanks for the help. This asynchronous method with the init function looks like a good way to obtain the data without running into this issue. The fetch method is what FCC taught me though, and I want to try and understand this error.

Forgetting the console.log, I just want to take the data from the API and assign it to the dataset variable so I can work with it outside of the then() statements. How can I do this with the fetch method?

@Neralizer hey,

your still going to have you code in callback function so it doesn’t run until you have received the fetch data so like this.

let dataset = {};

.then(response => response.json()) //converts request from fetch to json
.then(data => {
 dataset = JSON.stringify(data["data"]);

function init() {
// code goes here

if you run this code below you will see why dataset shows empty when console.log it

let dataset = {};

console.log(1) // first

.then(response => response.json()) //converts request from fetch to json
.then(data => {
 dataset = JSON.stringify(data["data"]);

console.log(2) // third


console.log(3)// second

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Hey, this is excellent. I’ll run my code in the init function in the final .then function. Thanks for your patience in explaining this to me.

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