Linking an eventlistener to multiple buttons

Hello everyone, i’ll get right to the point.
I am trying to make a webpage where if you click on one of the buttons, a sound will play. So far I have this code

let buttons = document.querySelector('.popupbutton')
let woodsound = 'zapsplat_foley_wood_squeak_creak_001.mp3'

buttons.addEventListener("click", function(){

the alert is just to test it.
However it only works on the first button, and I don’t know why.
Here is the HTML

<div class="buttons container-fluid"> 
    <button type="button" id="button1" class="popupbutton btn btn-info navbutton">Info</button>
    <div class="d-none popup"> Hi 1 </div> 
    <button type="button" id="button2" class="popupbutton btn btn-info navbutton">Info</button>
    <div class="d-none popup"> Hi 2 </div> 
    <button type="button" id="button3" class="popupbutton btn btn-info navbutton">Info</button>
    <div class="d-none popup"> Hi 3 </div> 
    <button type="button" id="button4" class="popupbutton btn btn-info navbutton">Info</button>
    <div class="d-none popup"> Hi 4 </div> 

Could someone advise me on how to make all the buttons respond to this event listener?
thank you.

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querySelector will only target the 1st element it finds:

What if you made the EventListener a basic function and gave each <button> an onclick attribute to call it?

I thought of QuerySelectorAll, and when I tried it, it didn’t work at all.
Is the syntax for that the same as the singular one?

Try forEach() loop that will add listener to every button in buttons


Yes, it is the same syntax i.e:

let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.popupbutton')

But you get an “Array” (NodeList) so:

buttons[0].addEventListener("click", function(){

Would work for 1st button

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So I don’t have a bunch of experience using that array method (you could probably tell)
How exactly would this be structured properly?

buttons.forEach(addEventlistener('click', (alert('hi'))))
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.popupbutton')
buttons.forEach((btn) => {
  btn.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
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addEventListener() is a method of HTML element, button in your case. How would you run method in this case?

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I have lots of studying to do. Thank you all for your help.