Login on /learn section

I can’t login with my github account and neither with password reset.
My username is
and my mail is

Thank you foor helping me!

what do you mean that you can’t log in? what happens when you try? please give more details

I have removed your email address from your post. All freeCodeCamp forum messages are public. We strongly urge people not to disclose personal information or login credentials on our forum.

Hello ArielLeslie, thank you for your time

I receive this error message :

Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again in a moment.

I can’t make a lot out of it since it seems a 4xx or a 5xx message that is being shown this way. I think most probably with some problems with the account. This message is always like this, with google login (the otp ode) and with the github login

I can also login in the /forum, bt not in the /learn

Have you tried clearing your browser cache? Sometimes problematic artifacts can get stored in there, especially if you’re unlucky enough to try logging in when the server happened to be farting.

If you are unable to log in it may be that you have a duplicated account. To solve this issue you will need to write to support@freecodecamp.org.

You can read more about the issue here

this is exactly my issue.
Should I write to support?

if that is your issue, writing to support is the only way to solve it, as written there