Making an image responsive - Responsive Web Design Principles

February '20 - Hi there. I am having trouble with some of the freecodecamp online curriculum. In the Responsive Web Design Principles section of the Responsive Web Design Certification, there is a lesson on Making an Image Responsive using CSS max-width, height, and display features. I believe I found the right answer for the lesson, according to the hints the website provides, but test output is still reading that I have not finished the lesson correctly.

Does anyone know what the problem might be? I can’t tell if it is some type of bug within the website or if I am simply just getting the solution wrong! Also, is there a way I could contact the staff from freecodecamp?

I would really appreciate the help, thanks!

@koahnurtz13, within the lesson there is a ‘Get Help’ button. It will allow you to enter in the issue you’re having, it will copy your code and give other relevant info and open that issue in this forum.
Without seeing what your code looks like we cannot give you the help that you need.

Hi Roma,

I posted another post on this topic that includes my code as well. I am new to this forum on freecodecamp as of today, so I am still learning how to use everything effectively!

Here is the link to that post:

Thank you for your response!