Minimum requirement to be an employable junior web developer

As kevinSmith pointed out, Angular, React, and Vue are all the same sort of thing. You do not need to learn all 3, only one of them, well at least at first, anyway. React is probably the most popular of the 3 in industry right now.

Django and Flask are both Python back-end frameworks as already stated. You do not need to learn both of them either, since they are also the same type of thing. Pick one of them. Flask is said to be more accessible to beginners (I’m not familiar with it, so can’t speak to that personally).

If your goal is to learn an all-JavaScript stack, you do not need to learn PHP. Node.js would suffice.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and is no longer tied specifically to Angular as it used to be, as it now has support in React and Vue. While it is now “required” in Angular, it’s optional in React and Vue. So you don’t have to learn it yet.

There are generally two kinds of databases - SQL (i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) and NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis, et al). The only thing you should learn first as far as databases go is SQL in general (relational databases are still very prolific today) and how NoSQL databases are different. MongoDB and Redis are prevalent today, you can pick either one to explore further.

Containers and DevOps-related topics like Docker and Kubernetes are typically relegated to an entirely different type of job position than your typical dev position. While it can be useful to learn those eventually, you can totally skip those if you’re just interested in only web development.

You don’t need to learn anything about AWS at first as a web developer. That will likely come eventually at some point, but you can skip that when you’re starting out.

Agile is a nebulous term that can mean a lot of things. But you don’t need to know very much about it to be employable. A lot of it will be naturally learned on the job.

Functional programming and OOP are things you’ll naturally learn as you learn more about JavaScript. TDD will also come naturally at a later point in time. No point in stressing over any of these things.

You should know what RESTful APIs are and how to consume from them to be considered job ready.

Finally I defer to a previous post on this exact question: How do you know when you are ready to apply to jobs? - #2 by astv99

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