For front-end, I’d say if you know HTML5, CSS3 (along with: media queries, one of the 3 major preprocessors, and Flexbox or Grid), JavaScript (ES5 and ES6), Node.js/NPM, Git/GitHub, Webpack, Chrome devtools, and one of the front-end frameworks/libraries (Angular, React, or Vue), you’re job-ready.
Basically that should mean you can build a fully responsive SPA (in Angular, React, or Vue) that consumes from an API and know how to deploy it. If you’re not at this point yet, I’d recommend holding off on applying to jobs until you get there.
If back-end is your goal instead, I’d say you should be able to build an API via both REST and GraphQL and know how to deploy it, along with being able to interface that API to both SQL and NoSQL databases.