Hello FCC,
I’m working on the url shortener backend challenge and I am stumped with testing one of my functions I’ve written. I’ve written a function createShortUrl() which connects to the db, generates a random string, creates a new url model and calls .save on the object. The function then disconnects from the db and calls the callback. The code looks like this.
function createShortUrl(longUrl, cb){
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test', function(err){
let randShort = sm.randomString();
let url = new Url({
long_url: longUrl,
short_url: randShort
if (err) throw err;
I’m writing my tests with mocha and I CANNOT get a test to pass for this function. My test case looks like this
describe('the createShortUrl function', function(){
it('should create a long:short entry in the db', function(done){
let longUrl = 'http://www.reddit.com';
url.createShortUrl(longUrl, function(){
Url.find({}, function(err, docs){ //this Url is a model object
if (err) throw err;
expect(typeof docs[0].short_url).to.eql('string')
when I run my tests with npm test the test does not pass. the error message says Error: Timeout of 10000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
I originally thought that this may be because when I call the createShortUrl() function I close the connection to the database, so I’ve also tried to open the connection before calling Url.find() like this:
describe('the createShortUrl function', function(){
it('should create a long:short entry in the db', function(done){
let longUrl = 'http://www.pivotalvoices.com';
url.createShortUrl(longUrl, function(){
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test'); //reconnet to db before calling Url.find
Url.find({}, function(err, docs){
if (err) throw err;
expect(typeof docs[0].short_url).to.eql('string')
When this code is run I get a different error message:
Uncaught Error: Trying to open unclosed connection.
What’s curious is that in both cases my data is saved correctly to the database — I just can’t get the test to pass and it is driving me crazy. I’ve mulled it over for hours.
Can anyone offer some help with this?
Thanks very much!