More CSS Fun: Pure CSS Dumptruck

See it, saw it, hated it…

Let me know what you think:


How did you do this? lol

With 12 HTML elements + CSS :wink:

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I’ve just started but can you show me?

Hey…this is interesting and very creative, indeed :+1:

I’m going to read entire CSS code, but can give me heads up about the click handling without using JS?


Hey…this is interesting and very creative, indeed :+1:

I’m going to read entire CSS code, but can give me heads up about the click handling without using JS?

It is done by the :active selector, a CSS pseudo-class.

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Oh, never knew :active worked on div as well. I thought it only worked on clickable elements like a and button etc. :slight_smile:

Thanks for info.

Tip: just click on the link. It will bring you to Codepen where you can change the view and see all the code. There’s no need to ask “show me” whenever it’s a Codepen or Github link.

Ah I yes I didn’t know that, thank you!