Multidimensional Arrays Depth Indexes - Solved

Is there a trick or technique to reading/seeing the depth of a multidimensional array?

I’ve completed the challenge, but I can’t help but be blinded by all the open/close brackets in relation to a multidimensional array.

As you can see from my example I’ve used comments to try and make sense of the code as I go, in this way I can see a pattern start to develop the deeper we go (the indentation), but I wouldn’t be able to look at this in a month and just know that [“deeper”] is 5 levels down without it.

Just curious and figured I’d ask as I go.


Edit: Before hitting submit, I’ve just realised that if I count the open brackets from the outer array inwards, (the outer array being equal to 1) my nested array then sits X levels deep. Pattern found!!

But posting anyway if this helps anyone else.

Your code so far

let myNestedArray = [
// Only change code below this line

// 2 levels deep
['unshift', false, 1, 2, 3, 'complex', 'nested'],

// 3 levels deep
  ['loop', 'shift', 6, 7, 1000, 'method'], ["deep"]

// 4 levels deep
    ['concat', false, true, 'spread', 'array'], ["deeper"]

// 5 levels deep
      ['mutate', 1327.98, 'splice', 'slice', 'push'],
['iterate', 1.3849, 7, '8.4876', 'arbitrary', 'depth'], ["deepest"]
// Only change code above this line

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Challenge: Create complex multi-dimensional arrays

Link to the challenge: