My Polling App - Check it Out

myPoll - Share, Vote & Create Polls

myPoll on Heroku

Technology Setup

  • up on Heroku after a day or two of figuring things out
  • React Frontend with Apollo, React Router, ReCharts, etc
  • Node Backend with Express, Graphql, Passport, Jsonwebtoken, etc
  • split into two separate apps, both are node express apps


  • Everyone Can View and Vote on Polls
  • Authenticated Users Can Create Polls
  • Authenticated Users Can Add Extra Options to Any Poll
  • log in with Facebook, Github, Google, Twitter or Standard Email - Username - Password
  • real time updates with graphql subscriptions
  • view pie chart or bar chart

Issues Unresolved

  • Sharing Link Problems - I am using React Helmet to inject Open Graph Meta Tags, which are visible in devtools but are not being picked up by facebook link debugger - not sure what i need to do to fix - open to any suggestions
  • On Heroku Free Tier - Not sure how much Traffic myPoll App can handle, have not really used Heroku before

Feedback Of All Kinds Welcome

true. i made it so the buttons disable after one vote - at least someone can’t click away. but yah as you said you can just refresh or re-navigate to the page and vote again. i could implement something with local storage, but even that wouldn’t necessarily prevent multiple votes, i don’t think…just clear local storage and vote again right? i guess the average user wouldn’t know how to do that though, and short of making users authenticate i think you have the best idea for a deterrent. and thank you for taking the time to check out my app.

i thought about making it so users need to authenticate before voting - i’m still pretty new to this whole development thing - i wonder what the thinking is on that? Meaning is it effective and gets more people to sign up, or if it would deter people from participating?