Hello. I seem to have met the objectives for the portfolio project. However, I have a few snags that I cant seem to work out.
One - On my navigation bar, when I click “Contact”, it directs the page to the contact area, however, the other links seem like they only gently nudge the page down a little bit, without actually directing to the designated area of the page.
Two - How can I make it so the elements on the page stay within the format Ive placed them when they are viewed on different types of browsers? I am having a really hard time figuring that out, and have read several articles and browsed some forums without finding a solution that seems to work for me.
I used a lot of placeholders in making this page, because honestly I dont have anything to put in those spots yet!! Haha. Hopefully after I move on from this project I can return to it and make it a bit flashier as I learn more. Thanks for looking !!
IDs must be unique. You have the same id on your nav anchors. That target id (e.g., “portfolio” should only be on the target div. Also, those divs can only have one id.
This isn’t my specialty, but I think the problem may be the use of the h1 which is a block level element. You can get a little better results if you adjust your CSS:
Also, please do a better job of organizing your code, with proper indenting. It makes it much easier to follow. If you select the code in a pane and do a shft-tab, codepen will auto indent.
You just need to have only one id to which they link. It could be a div. But section is a perhaps better because it is more descriptive, part of what they call semantic HTML.
Will do! Sorry about that, I’m brand new to this and working things out as I go along.