My updated personal portfolio :-)

Please check my updated portfolio build on bootstrap 4. Make sure you click full view because editor view is glitching somehow. Let me know what do you think.


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nice work!! I’m about to start this project also.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey can you help me? I’m confused with this project “Personal Portfolio”. Per instructions we will make a website similar to this but it looks like its using javascript or other features already that they did not even discuss yet in the course. Do you have any tips or resources for me to get started making this project.

I watched trough udemy course if you know udemy of course for example type in search box “Bootstrap 4” and it will give bunch of courses where u can purchase or even get it for free. I purchased while it was on discount for 10$ Also try w3schools website, codecademy and tutorialpoints if you are new to coding world of course. They are great reference for your future projects and its good to read them and practice. Also as for my project I use jQuery. Also if you are stuck on something try to google it and I’m sure it will give you a stackoverflow answer which is a great resource. By the way you can join this facebook communities if you aren’t already and you can post your question here and someone will help you.

Hope it helps.