Need a Workflow Change

I’ve had a brutal workflow for a while, write code and upload on FTP client to my digitalocean droplet. No version control, no staging. I primarily do front end development for WordPress, but when I get further into the curriculum, this will be sure to change.

What is a good workflow that’s common now and any resource for how to set it up would be great!

Much love,

GitHub pages.

it gives you a domain and everything and it’s free

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Thank you! Ill check it out now

Hello @mindstomedia,

I use Digital Ocean as well, for my personal website as well as for a staging server. These are separate droplets.

I really like snapshots. I have a snapshot with just the nginx server, phpmyadmin, SSL using Lets Encrypt. I spin this up whenever I start a project, then save as a new snapshot so I don’t overwrite my “starter” snapshot.

I have snapshots stored of many of my client’s websites I can just spin up, do updates, test things, etc…

When you start making a bit of money, invest in a full fledged IDE. This will help your workflow tremendously. With a click you can be attached to your staging droplet, do work, experiment, pull down files to your local environment, SSH to the underlying UNIX to run things, all without leaving your IDE. ( I have settled on PhpStorm, but that was just a personal preference )