Need help for "Cash Register" Project


I am trying to resolve the algorithm challenge named " Cash Register". Everything is working fine, except that one user story is failing. The test that fails is 3. I find [“PENNY”, 0.03] instead of [“PENNY”, 0.04]. My solution is below:

let change = cash - price;
      let test = cash - price;
      let total = 0;
      let remaining = 0;
      const output = [];
      const cidReverse = cid.reverse();
   const currencies = [
    {name: 'ONE HUNDRED', amount: 100},
    {name: 'TWENTY', amount: 20},
    {name: 'TEN', amount: 10},
    {name: 'FIVE', amount: 5},
    {name: 'ONE', amount: 1},
    {name: 'QUARTER', amount: 0.25},
    {name: 'DIME', amount: 0.1},
    {name: 'NICKEL', amount: 0.05},
    {name: 'PENNY', amount: 0.01}
      const currencyInfo = (currency) => currencies.find(curr => === currency);
      cidReverse.forEach(currArr => {
      const currencyValue = currencyInfo(currArr[0]).amount;
      const temp = []
      remaining += currArr[1]
      if (change >= currencyValue || change >= currArr[1]) {
         const possibleBills = Math.floor(change / currencyValue) * currencyValue;
         if (change > 0) {
             if (possibleBills > currArr[1]) {
               change = (possibleBills - currArr[1]) + (change % currencyValue)
         } else {
            change = change % currencyValue
         total += temp[1]       
      let status = "OPEN";
      let change1 = output;
      if (remaining === test) {
         status = "CLOSED";
         change1 = change1.reverse();
      if (total !== (cash - price)) {
         status = "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS";
        // change1 = [];
      return {
         change: change1

Can I get help on how to fix my algo logic?

Hey Bam, in the Hints page solution on this project, they mention accounting for calculation error by rounding change to the nearest hundredth place (Math.round(change * 100) / 100). I had the same issue, and figuring out where was appropriate to reassign rounded results was a bit of a challenge, but once I did that solved it for me.