Need Help: Tribute Page Project

I do not know what is lacking in my Tribute Page project. For me the page is complete but each time I run the test it only gives a score of 8 /10. Can someone please point out what is still lacking in this project?

Welcome to the forums @maestrocruz15. When a test fails just click on the red button to see the failing test and text on what the test was looking for and how to fix it.
For instance, the first failing test says;

I should see an <a> element with a corresponding id="tribute-link", which links to an outside site that contains additional information about the subject of the tribute page. HINT: You must give your element an attribute of target and set it to "_blank" in order for your link to open in a new tab (i.e. target="_blank").

<a> element with id="tribute-link" must contain an href attribute AssertionError: <a> element with id="tribute-link" must contain an href attribute

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Your project looks good to me…
but I think the image should be smaller… because it took more space …
Can you give your link some kind of color… So they can be identified easily…
Or may be you can use hovering efffect…

It means some user stories have not been fullfilled. I clicked on the red button, i saw it’s the user stories 7 and 8.
-For the user story 7 we should have an a tag with an id “tribute-info” but you put a div. Modify your code so that you get a link.

-Your image should responsively resize,relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size and be centered within its parent element. Your code should be something like:

#image {
    display: block;    /* change the image into a block element */
    margin: auto;       /* center the image for it's now a block element */
    max-width: 100%;       /* to make the image responsive */
    height: auto;

I think now everything could be okay.

Thank you Roma but the 4 elements included target="_blank". I tested it and all opened in another page.

Thank you moshiurrahman92 I think a hover effect would be a good idea .

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Thank you moiseknglo will I’ll try your suggestion. I didn’t know I have to click the red button to see what’s wrong with my code. Thanks again.

Like I said, click on the red button to see which tests failed and text as to what the test is looking for and how to resolve it.
There’s more than just ensuring the elements include target="_blank". The text also says; <a> element with id="tribute-link" must contain an href attribute. There’s not a single <a> element that meets that requirement.

And once again, the second failing test says;

The `<img>` element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size.
Try using the "max-width" style property : expected 'none' to not equal 'none' AssertionError: Try using the "max-width" style property : expected 'none' to not equal 'none'

There’s nothing you have in CSS that targets the img element.

As an aside, use external styling. Don’t do any in-line styling.
Also, revisit the lesson about giving meaningful text to links.