Need help with guessing number game!

Can anybody helpe with this code? I am trying to loop the game after the question: "would you like to play again? " if the answer is yes.

import random
from random import randint

print ("Welcome to the number guessing game!")
seed_word = input("Enter random seed: ")
print ("")
num = randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
count = 1
while num != "guess":
    if guess < num:
        print ("Higher")
        print ("")
        guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
        count = count + 1
    elif guess > num:
        print ("Lower")
        print ("")
        guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
        count = count + 1
        print ("Congratulations. You guessed it!")
        print ("It took you " + str(count) + " guesses.")
        print ("")
        play_again = input("Would you like to play again (yes/no)? ")
        if play_again == str("no") or play_again == str("No"):
if play_again == str("yes") or play_again == str("Yes"):
  print (guess)

Hello there.

I have edited your code for readability.

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You can also use the “preformatted text” tool in the editor ( </> ) to add backticks around text.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard.
Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (’).

thank you, anyone can help with this codes?

Your issue was not only on the indent but also in your while loop condition.

-The only condition you needed to eval in order to keep it running until your user input a “No” was just True, since you already wrote a break condition.

-Since you were already using the variable num as a flag. U can see I added an if statement at the beginning of the loop to run your first lines of code. num will only be reassigned with “guess” once the user beats the game and input a “Yes” to keep playing.

import random
from random import randint

print ("Welcome to the number guessing game!\n")

while True:
    if num == "guess":
        seed_word = input("Enter random seed:  \n")
        num = randint(1, 100)
        guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
        count = 1
    if guess < num:
        print ("Higher\n")
        guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
        count = count + 1
    elif guess > num:
        print ("Lower\n")
        guess = int(input("Please enter a guess: "))
        count = count + 1
        print ("Congratulations. You guessed it!")
        print ("It took you " + str(count) + " guesses.\n")
        play_again = input("Would you like to play again (yes/no)? ").lower()
        if play_again == "no":
        if play_again == "yes":
          print (guess)


a) “\n” stands for linebreak. You can split the same string into several lines or put blank lines as I did above.

b) str.lower() will lowercase the entire string. So user’s uppercase inputs are converted before the if statements.

Hey Sharkantropo;
thank you very much for the help! it is working.