I’m using jQuery with jQuery UI in the given pen of “not yet slider project”…
I want the slides to actually slide and feel as a slide is migrating from one section to other.
i tride Jquery UI effects but didn’t achieved required results… the coming slide shows with sliding effect but the leaving slide is not leaving the section with effect.
below iAm sharing snippet of code… that works on next btn…
Note: the code in pen is little different from this one as I removed slide effect and used simple fadeIn() effect.
if(counter < slides.length -3) {
$(".prev-slide").html(slides[counter +1]);
$(".active-slide").html(slides[counter +2]);
$(".next-slide").html(slides[counter +3]);
$(".prev-slide div").show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
$(".active-slide div").show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
$(".next-slide div").show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
} else if (counter === slides.length -3) {
$(".prev-slide").html(slides[counter + 1 ]);
$(".active-slide").html(slides[counter + 2 ]);
$(".prev-slide div").show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
$(".active-slide div").show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
counter = slides.length -2;