Need Help with Tribute Page #5

Need help with this question Within the “img-div” element, I should see either a <figcaption> or <div> element with a corresponding id=“img-caption” that contains textual content describing the image shown in “img-div”.

Here is the link to my project I’ve been trying to solve this for days

Hi @Uptownx917 !

Can you show us what you have tried for user story 5?

The test wants you to create a div element with the id representing the text caption for the image element.

First of all you need to close the image tag with an > (check your 19th line of code)
Then they are asking you to nest a <figcaption> tag within your div tag which has id = image-div . I’m sure you have learnt nesting in your previous fCC lessons, but here’s an example:

<p><a href="" alt="" ></a></p>

here, the <a> tag is nested within the <p> tag.

yeah. i still dont get it might give up on this.

been at it for days watch youtube videos etc and It still doesn’t make any sense.

It should be there for what I have tried, its really frustrating me

Here is your current code.

  <div id="img-div">
    <img id="image" src="" 

You didn’t close out your img element.
it is missing the >

The test wants you to create another <div> element with a corresponding id=“img-caption” that contains textual content for the image.

That <div> element is supposed to go inside the img-div element.

Make sense?

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Thank You!!! It wasn’t that hard as I made it seem, really appreciate the help.

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