No Repeats Please -- Stuck on Last test

Before I begun this challenge I did a google search on fastest algorithm to calculate permutations and came across the Heap’s Algorithm and after reading the wikipedia on this algorithm I decided to not use it because I didn’t want to generate !n array elements and then start comparing each array for repeated characters side-by-side. No Thanks - too brute force I thought. I wanted a more mathematical approach and long story short I came across this mathematical approach on StackOverflow.

I found Lulai’s explanation to be one I could understand the best… As a programmer, I try to understand the problem (the subject matter) before I write code. So here’s my code and where I need help is with calculating the OVERLAPS on the last test case, If anyone else used this same approach, I hope you can point me in right direction. Thank you.

function permAlone(string) {
	'use strict';
  var arr = string.split('');
  var letters = arr.length;
  var repeats = [], uniq = 1, permutations;
  var getFactorial = function (num) {
    var fNum = false;
    if ( num === 0 ) { num = 1; } // 0! = 1 is special case.

    fNum = num;
    while ( --num > 0 ) {
      fNum *= num;
    return fNum;
  // count repeated letters 
  for (var j = 0, r = 1; j < letters; j++) { 

    if ( j !== letters-1 ) {
      if ( arr[j] !== arr[j+1] ) {
        // count unique letters
        // save count of any previous letter repeats
        if ( r > 1 ) {
          r = 1;
      else {
    // save count of any previous letter repeats 
    if ( r > 1 ) {
      r = 1;
  } // end for
  // Check for special cases
  if ( repeats.length && uniq === 1 ){ // 'string of the same letter'
    permutations = 0;
  else if ( ! repeats.length && uniq === 1 ){ // 'string of one letter'
    permutations = 1;
  else {
    permutations = getFactorial(letters);

    // Reduce Permutations by subtracting out invalid permutations that contain repeated letters.
    // Add to Permutations any overlap of invalid permutations that were counted during another repeatedLetterSet
    var  k = 0, repeatedLetterSets = repeats.length, invalids = 0;
    while ( repeatedLetterSets && k < repeatedLetterSets ) {
      // 1st getFactorial() gets #ofBoxes where repeated letters may appear
      // 2nd getFactorial() gets repeated letters Factorial. ie. 'aa' = !2, 'aaa' = !3.
      var repeatCount = repeats[k];
      while ( repeatCount >= 2 ) {
        invalids = getFactorial( letters - repeatCount +1 ) * getFactorial( repeatCount );
        permutations -= invalids;
        repeatCount-- ;
      // add back in overlap of where repeated characters were counted over again with multiple
      // repeated characters sets. ie [aabb]
      if ( repeats.length > 1 ) {
        permutations += getFactorial ( letters - repeats.length ) * getFactorial( repeats[k] );
  return permutations;

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Thanks. In the end I resolved this on my own. Modified my overlaps calculation to:

      // add back in overlap of where repeated characters were counted over again with multiple
      // repeated characters sets. ie [aabb]
      if ( repeats.length > 1 ) {
        overlaps = getFactorial ( letters - repeats[k] ) * getFactorial( repeats[k] );
        permutations += overlaps;