Node js jquery append problems

i am currently using node js to create a simple website.
I am reading files from a mongodb and trying to append the result ( after treatment) to my html.
however, this is not working, althoug i get no errors.
here is the code:
file: clientListHandler
module.exports = {
createClientList: function (clientsList, htmlID) {
console.log(‘received: ’ +clientsList);
clientsList.forEach(function (clientName) {
console.log(‘clientname: ’ + clientName);

  • ’ + clientName + ‘
  • ’);
    console.log('i added this: ’ + ’
  • ’ + clientName + ‘
  • ’)

    that file is called inside me app.js file
    var setupClientList = require(’./public/javascripts/clientsListHandler’);

    //setup the homepage
    app.get(’/’, function(req, res){
    res.render(‘index’, { title: “People’s Pizza Place” });
    Clients.getClients(function(err, clients){
    throw err;
    for (i=0; i< clients.length; i++) {
    //the clients names are now available to be handled
    setupClientList.createClientList(myClientsNames, ‘headerDropDownList’);

    this is however not adding anything to my page.

    any suggestions?
    thank you very much