NodeJS Dynamic menu


I’m trying to build a dynamic menu which is built using data in database. i have a mongoose method that should get me a list of menu items with each of their children as a property on the object, however when i call my code i get an empty list of children. please see the method below and let me know whats wrong.


router.get('/scripts/menu', async function(req, res, next) {
    console.log('menutree is working');
    var initial = await Menu.find().populate('parent');
    var menutree = await Menu.GetMenuTree(initial, null, '5dfe0009551b160edcdc89ce');
    await res.status(200).send(menutree)


menuSchema.static(‘GetMenuTree’, async function(unfilteredlist, parent = undefined, category) {

var MenuObj = this;

var filteredlist = unfilteredlist.filter(function(item) {

    return item.parent == parent


filteredlist = function(item) {

    item.children = await MenuObj.GetMenuTree(unfilteredlist, item._id, item.category);

    return item


return Promise.all(filteredlist).then(function(results) {

    return results




const menuSchema = new Mongoose.Schema({

title: {

    type: String,

    trim: true,

    required: true


parent: {

    type: Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,

    ref: 'Menu'


active: {

    type: Boolean,


page: {

    type: String,

    trim: true


category: {

    type: Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,

    ref: 'Category',

    required: true


children: [Mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed]

}, {

timestamps: true
