[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

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Did you search for the error?

I assume you have to remove the useCreateIndex option or downgrade.

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did you mean in server.js file

just following the video on Youtube but got the error : Learn the MERN Stack - Full Tutorial (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) - YouTube

after 20 minutes

Why my post request not working ???

bhusalsamir907/mern-exercise-tracker: Tutorial FreeCodeCamp 2019 (github.com)

Remember to gitignore the node_modules folder as well.

Unless the env file you are using has the port number (which it doesn’t on GitHub) you will use port 5000 and not 3000 for the backend and if you are running the React app it runs on port 3000 so it might look like you are connecting to the backend (in Insomnia) when it is just the frontend server you are hitting. This means you won’t see connection errors but routing errors.

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Thank you so much, it worked!

Thank you so much, it worked! and I was not aware of the port.