Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

Tell us what’s happening:

All tests are passing except for the printing tests.

Your code so far


PSQL="psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=number_guess -t --no-align -c"

# Generate a random number between 1 and 1000
secret_number=$(( $RANDOM % 1000 + 1 ))

# Prompt the user for a username
echo "Enter your username:"
read username

# Check if the username has been used before
if [[ -n $($PSQL "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'") ]]; then
  # Get the user's information from the database
  id=$($PSQL "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '$username'")
  games_played=$($PSQL "SELECT games_played FROM games WHERE id = '$id'")
  best_game=$($PSQL "SELECT best_game FROM games WHERE id = '$id'")
  echo -e "\nWelcome back, $username! You have played $games_played games, and your best game took $best_game guesses."
  echo -e "\nWelcome, $username! It looks like this is your first time here."
  # Insert the username into the database
  $PSQL "INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('$username')"
  id=$($PSQL "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '$username'")
  $PSQL "INSERT INTO games (id) VALUES ('$id')"
  best_game=$($PSQL "SELECT best_game FROM games WHERE id = '$id'")

# Prompt the user to guess the secret number
echo "Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000:"
read guess

# Initialize the number of guesses

# Loop until the user guesses the secret number
while [[ $guess -ne $secret_number ]]; do
  # Check if the guess is an integer
  if [[ ! $guess =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "That is not an integer, guess again:"
    read guess
  # Check if the guess is higher or lower than the secret number
  if [[ $guess -gt $secret_number ]]; then
    echo "It's lower than that, guess again:"
    echo "It's higher than that, guess again:"
  # Increment the number of guesses
  number_of_guesses=$((number_of_guesses + 1))
  # Prompt the user to guess again
  read guess

# Update the games played in the database
$PSQL "UPDATE games SET games_played = games_played + 1 WHERE id = '$id'"

# Update the best game if necessary
if [[ $number_of_guesses -lt $best_game ]]; then
  $PSQL "UPDATE games SET best_game = $number_of_guesses WHERE id = '$id'"

echo -e "\nYou guessed it in $number_of_guesses tries. The secret number was $secret_number. Nice job!"

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Challenge Information:

Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

What I Have Tried:

I have tried ensuring I am using 2 tables in the db, 1 for games and 1 for users. I am ensuring all the whitespace is correct. This is now the second task where I pass all tests except for the printing aspect. Am I doing something wrong here?

Were you able to figure it out @malaniekc? Make sure you aren’t printing anything extra, like any UPDATE 1 style messages that SQL prints.