Hello, I have problem with my code. I am programming the python triangle and numbers are printing fine but I don’t know how to put them into this pyramid scheme:
Can someone help me fix this problem?
My code:
from math import comb
def pascalov_trojuholnik(tab):
pocet = int(input('zadaj pocet: '))
tab = []
for i in range(pocet):
riadok = []
for j in range(i+1):
cislo = comb(i, j)
return tab
tab = pascalov_trojuholnik(tab)
from math import comb
def pascalov_trojuholnik(pocet):
tab = []
for i in range(pocet):
riadok = []
for j in range(i+1):
cislo = comb(i, j)
for row in tab:
print(" "*(pocet-len(row)), end=" ")
for num in row:
print(num, end=" ")
pocet = int(input('Enter the number of rows: '))
define a function pascalov_trojuholnik that takes the number of rows as input and then prints the Pascal’s triangle in a pyramid shape.