People i need help

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I have completed all the modules of the freecode camp including the 5 projects and all the exercises and I still don’t get my certificate.
I had sent them before but I have already corrected them but it does not give me my certificate.
Please i need help

Did you agree to the academic honesty policy in your account settings and claim the certificate? If so, check the privacy settings you have selected. Some privacy settings will prevent your certificate from being visible on your profile.

yes, I agree this politics but my certicate is not visible and yes my setting is public for this

Did you claim the certificate?

You need to go to your account settings to claim your certificate. Before you can do so, you also need to agree to the Academy Honesty Pledge.

To make your certificate appear in your profile, you need to have your profile, your timeline and your certificates set to public. If you want your name to appear on your profile you also need to have your name set to public.

Hi! @majinbussj3

Screenshot fcc profile

Here I kept some of the settings to public to claim the certificates and you can see that freecodecamp mentioned Your certifications will be disabled if set to private and also accept Academic Honesty Policy


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You need to claim the certificate in your settings

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