Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage - Why aren't some elements looking like the ones in example site?

I am having issues with the below elements:

  1. “Product Landing Page” img - Why is the height of the img so much longer than the other img’s?
  2. “Show All” button - Why doesn’t it look like the one in the example site (
  3. GitHub link - why isn’t the icon visible?

Thank you for your help!

Your code so far


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <title>Personal Portfolio Website</title>
<!-- START NAV -->  
  <nav id="navbar" class="nav">
   <ul class="nav-list">
       <a href="#welcome-section">About</a>
       <a href="#projects">Work</a>
       <a href="#contact">Contact</a>
<!-- END NAV --> 
  <section id="welcome-section" class="welcome-section">
   <h1>Hey I am Mitsu</h1>
   <p>a web developer</p>
  <section id="projects" class="projects-section">
   <h2 class="projects-section-header">These are some of my projects</h2>
<!-- START PROJECT 1 -->    
   <div class="projects-grid">
    <a href="" target="_blank" class="project project-title">
     <img class="project-image" src="" alt="project">
     <p class="project-tile">
       <span class="code"><</span>
       Product Landing Page
       <span class="code">></span>
<!-- END PROJECT 1 -->   
<!-- START PROJECT 2 -->    
   <div class="projects-grid">
    <a href="" target="_blank" class="project project-title">
     <img class="project-image" src="" alt="project">
     <p class="project-tile">
       <span class="code"><</span>
       Crystal Survery Form
       <span class="code">></span>
<!-- END PROJECT 2 -->   
<!-- START PROJECT 3 -->    
   <div class="projects-grid">
    <a href="" target="_blank" class="project project-title">
     <img class="project-image" src="" alt="project">
     <p class="project-tile">
       <span class="code"><</span>
       CSS Documentation Page
       <span class="code">></span>
<!-- END PROJECT 3 -->   
<!-- START PROJECT 4 -->    
   <div class="projects-grid">
    <a href="" target="_blank" class="project project-title">
     <img class="project-image" src="" alt="project">
     <p class="project-tile">
       <span class="code"><</span>
       Tolkien Tribute Page
       <span class="code">></span>
<!-- END PROJECT 4 -->   
   <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-show-all">
   Show All
   <i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i>
  <section id="contact" class="contact-section">
   <div class="contact-section-header">
     <h2>Let's work together...</h2>
     <p>How do you take your coffee?</p>
   <div class="contact-links">
     <a id="profile-link" href=""" target="_blank" class="btn contact-details">
       <i class="fab fa-github"></i>



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Challenge: Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Link to the challenge:

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Hope can be good put your html in vscode to help with html
Not want to give answer can help you try some fixes
For github website icon drawing need to add script in head of html for FA icon drawings to work in html can google how to get paste script under your css link style sheet

For pictures and drawings for each project go over your div’s made in html you need one div for projects grid that can wrap around each project as own div in your html for each project start you have div put but no closeing div only for that project.

Your html is good just make each project own div than make one div (projects-grid) that what can be wrapper wrap around all the project divs than your grid and flex can work better.

This can help change your html some and try to change the size of images make some changes with size give width height to each drawing image make them same size try few ways hope this can help you have some things fixed to help you find ways to adjust your html for pictures your html is very good thank you take care gn gm fren hope this can help

Screen Shot 2023-09-25 at 11.14.57 PM

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Thank you so much! Your guidance helped me to find the errors.

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