Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Tell us what’s happening:
Hello everyone. Kindly assist on this last question. I have been on it for a while and I kept sein this:
“Your #navbar element should always be at the top of the viewport.”

   **Your code so far**
/* file: index.html */
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8" />
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css" />    
 <title>Personal Portfolio Webpage</title>  
  <header id="header"> <nav id="navbar">
 <a href="" target="_blank">
<li><a class="nav-link" href="#welcome">Welcome</a></li>
     <li><a class="nav-link" href="#about">About</a></li>
       <li><a class="nav-link" href="#projects">Projects</a></li>
   <section id="welcome-section">
     <h1>Personal Portfolio Webpage Rehearsal</h1>
   <section id="projects">
    <div class="project-tile"><p>Click here to view more <a href="http://localhost/TUTS/FreeCode%20Camp%20Exercises/Product%20Landing/Product%20Landing%20pg.html" target="_blank">Project</a>.</p></div> 

<a id="profile-link" href="" target="_blank">
<div id ="welcome"><hr></hr>Good day! <p>I welcome you to my page whnere you can enjoy my projects built so far. </p>Thank you for checking on my work. Your advice is highly valuable and Appreciated.
<br><div id ="about"><hr></hr><p>This is newbie website, any imperfection here is work-in-progress. Plese don't loos hope to check back in a short-while.</p><p> It is promising to be awesome site withing a shortest time possible. Your patrolage is so important to have the best.</p><p> Mind you, any time you check back, we have convidence that there is someone there that believe in the vision and so the fellow should not be dissapointed.</p>
<br><div id ="projects"><hr></hr><p>The following is the list of the projects built so far by me:</p>
 <p><li>Survey Form</li></p>
 <p><li>Tech. Documentation</li></p>
 <p><li>Product Landing Page</li></p>
 <p><li>Tribute Page</li></p>
 <li>Personal Portfolio Webpage</li> e.t.c


/* file: styles.css */
@media (max-width: 800px) {
 #header-img {
   width: 80%;
nav > ul {
 display: flex;
 justify-content: space-evenly;
 align-items: center;
 background: white;padding-inline-start: 0;
 margin-block: 0;
 height: 05%;
 position: flex;
 width: 100%; 
 color: pink;
header {
 position: flex;
 width: 100%;
background-color: #d15473;
 font-family:  consolas bold, 'Exo 3';
 padding: 1.5em;
background-color: #87c4a0;
font-family: Helvetica
font-family: Helvetica bold;
font-size: 35px;
text-align: center
font-family: Geneva;
font-size: 19px;
text-align: center
   **Your browser information:**

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36

Challenge: Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Link to the challenge:`Preformatted text`

Hello there.

Do you have a question?

If so, please edit your post to include it in the Tell us what’s happening section.

Learning to describe problems is hard, but it is an important part of learning how to code.

Also, the more information you give us, the more likely we are to be able to help.

Hello everyone. Kindly assist on this last question. I have been on it for a while and I kept sein this:
 "Your #navbar element should always be at the top of the viewport." 
Please help on the way forward.  Your help at this stage is very critical.


Ah, let me edit that for you so it is easier to read.

Hiding text in code blocks makes it hard to read.

Thanks so much in anticipation to hear from you in a while.

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