Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Tell us what’s happening:
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I am struggling to see why these two items are incorrect: I know my entire page is not decorated yet, I am nailing down the HTML structure first.

  • Failed:Your portfolio should contain at least one element with a class of project-tile.

  • Failed:Your #projects element should contain at least one a element.

Your code so far

<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
    <title>Portfolio Page</title>
    <section id="welcome-section">
    <h1 id="welcome-section">Aaron's Portfolio</h1>
    <p id="welcome-section">Welcome to my prjoects, from Web Pages, to Calculators in the Tech Sector, all self-taught. To my projects in Manufacturing Industry</p>
  <navbar id="navbar">
    <a id="nav" href="#projects">Projects</a>
    <a id="nav" href="#about me">About Me</a>
    <a id="nav" href="#contact">Contact</a>
  <h2 id="projects">Projects</h2>
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <a id="projects" href="https//" target="_blank">Python Calculator</a>
  <a id="projects" href="https//" target="_blank">3D Models</a>
  <article class="project-tile">These images are what the final results are form my learning experience. I also intend to tweak and advance the projects as I learn more. So they will be a WIP. My CAD projects are final and usually the customer likes to keep their IP out of public eye. These are projects I personally developed and have no bearing to harm any companies agreements or property.</article>
  <p>Follow the links to test and view one of projects</p>
  <h2>About Me</h2>
  <article>This is my porfolio page of the tech work I have done as well as my manufacturing work, with tech, I have done. I have been working in the manufacturing industry for over 15 years, I started out as an operator pulling out the parts from a CNC machine and measuring them to the technical drawing. I quickly worked my way up to Setup and Programmer, where I was writing CNC code on the machines to create these products based on the prints. This code is called G and M code, and it has an industry standard that most OEM machines follow, and they also put their own features in as well. I started to learn coding about 2 years ago, looking to improve my skills with CAD/CAM programming. This was called post edits, and I needed tp understand both the manufacturing software and the languageit used in the background to make the software speak to the 3d models and the user. From there I wanted to learn more about coding and started with Python, creating early stage guided projects by creating Calculators and a Weather App. These are very simple and still need tweaking, from there I wanted to learn Web Page building since I needed to build a portfolio page to showcase my work, I became engaged with HTML, CSS and JS for a more full front-end style of coding.</article>

<a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span >GitHub</a></span>
<a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span>Instagram</a></span>
</html>  ```

<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
    <title>Portfolio Page</title>
    <section id="welcome-section">
    <h1 id="welcome-section">Aaron's Portfolio</h1>
    <p id="welcome-section">Welcome to my prjoects, from Web Pages, to Calculators in the Tech Sector, all self-taught. To my projects in Manufacturing Industry</p>
  <navbar id="navbar">
    <a id="nav" href="#projects">Projects</a>
    <a id="nav" href="#about me">About Me</a>
    <a id="nav" href="#contact">Contact</a>
  <h2 id="projects">Projects</h2>
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <a id="projects" href="https//" target="_blank">Python Calculator</a>
  <a id="projects" href="https//" target="_blank">3D Models</a>
  <article class="project-tile">These images are what the final results are form my learning experience. I also intend to tweak and advance the projects as I learn more. So they will be a WIP. My CAD projects are final and usually the customer likes to keep their IP out of public eye. These are projects I personally developed and have no bearing to harm any companies agreements or property.</article>
  <p>Follow the links to test and view one of projects</p>
  <h2>About Me</h2>
  <article>This is my porfolio page of the tech work I have done as well as my manufacturing work, with tech, I have done. I have been working in the manufacturing industry for over 15 years, I started out as an operator pulling out the parts from a CNC machine and measuring them to the technical drawing. I quickly worked my way up to Setup and Programmer, where I was writing CNC code on the machines to create these products based on the prints. This code is called G and M code, and it has an industry standard that most OEM machines follow, and they also put their own features in as well. I started to learn coding about 2 years ago, looking to improve my skills with CAD/CAM programming. This was called post edits, and I needed tp understand both the manufacturing software and the languageit used in the background to make the software speak to the 3d models and the user. From there I wanted to learn more about coding and started with Python, creating early stage guided projects by creating Calculators and a Weather App. These are very simple and still need tweaking, from there I wanted to learn Web Page building since I needed to build a portfolio page to showcase my work, I became engaged with HTML, CSS and JS for a more full front-end style of coding.</article>

<a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span >GitHub</a></span>
<a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span>Instagram</a></span>
/* file: styles.css */
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  right: 20; 
  border: 2px dashed blue;
  border: 1px solid black;
  border-radius: 20px;
  font: Arial;
  background: grey;

@media only screen and (max-width: 700px){


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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Link to the challenge:

You have duplicated ids. It is not allowed in html.

I’m sorry I don’t follow? How am I suppose to label items with the appropriate id

Use class="value" for multiple html elements selection in css. Use #id only for one element. The id’s value is unique and can not be used again:

<img class="project-tile" src=""> ...this is valid code
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
<img id="project-tile" src=""> ...this is not valid code
  <img id="project-tile" src="">

I fixed the <a> files to only have one id, but the same Failed errors are still present.

You didn’t fix all duplicated ids in your code.
When you have finished fixing post a code again.

Only one id no longer duplicated. Same results.

<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
    <title>Portfolio Page</title>
    <section id="welcome-section">
    <h1 >Aaron's Portfolio</h1>
    <p >Welcome to my prjoects, from Web Pages, to Calculators in the Tech Sector, all self-taught. To my projects in Manufacturing Industry</p>
  <navbar id="navbar">
    <a href="#projects">Projects</a>
    <a href="#about me">About Me</a>
    <a href="#contact">Contact</a>
  <h2 >Projects</h2>
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <img class="project-tile" src="">
  <a id="projects" href="https//" target="_blank">Python Calculator</a>
  <a href="https//" target="_blank">3D Models</a>
  <article class="project-tile">These images are what the final results are form my learning experience. I also intend to tweak and advance the projects as I learn more. So they will be a WIP. My CAD projects are final and usually the customer likes to keep their IP out of public eye. These are projects I personally developed and have no bearing to harm any companies agreements or property.</article>
  <p>Follow the links to test and view one of projects</p>
  <h2>About Me</h2>
  <article>This is my porfolio page of the tech work I have done as well as my manufacturing work, with tech, I have done. I have been working in the manufacturing industry for over 15 years, I started out as an operator pulling out the parts from a CNC machine and measuring them to the technical drawing. I quickly worked my way up to Setup and Programmer, where I was writing CNC code on the machines to create these products based on the prints. This code is called G and M code, and it has an industry standard that most OEM machines follow, and they also put their own features in as well. I started to learn coding about 2 years ago, looking to improve my skills with CAD/CAM programming. This was called post edits, and I needed tp understand both the manufacturing software and the languageit used in the background to make the software speak to the 3d models and the user. From there I wanted to learn more about coding and started with Python, creating early stage guided projects by creating Calculators and a Weather App. These are very simple and still need tweaking, from there I wanted to learn Web Page building since I needed to build a portfolio page to showcase my work, I became engaged with HTML, CSS and JS for a more full front-end style of coding.</article>

<a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span >GitHub</a></span>
<a href="https//" target="_blank"><span>Instagram</a></span>
</html>   ```

These are not images at all:

  <img class="project-tile" src="">↩
  <img class="project-tile" src=""

an image should have .jpg, .png … extension.

  • <a id="profile-link" href="https//" target="_blank"><span >GitHub</a></span>↩ <a href="https//" target="_blank"><span>Instagram</a></span>↩ …span tags should surround “Instagram”.

  • there is no declaration in your file

  • html elements that don’t belong to head element:

<section id="welcome-section">↩
    <h1 >Aaron's Portfolio</h1>↩
    <p >Welcome to my prjoects, from Web Pages, to Calculators in the Tech Sector, all self-taught. To my projects in Manufacturing Industry</p>↩
  • ‘body’ element doesn’t have the closing tag

Thank you. I was able to sort out the issues. I needed to declare my “projects” in a section or group. That caused those two items to fail.

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