Tell us what’s happening:
Hey guys sorry to disturb you for this matter but I gotta ask. Even though this code passes and I am eligble for the certificate I still don’t know how use flex box, animations, or make this look like a sample project. My all projects are a MESS and I hate to looking at them. I started to think I have spend my 300hours for nothing. I think I didn’t cut out for this and stop making this kinda embarrassing projects and call it a day. Or does it get better? Any help or story might help. Thanks
Your code so far
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<h1>Hello, I'am Gökberk!</h1>
<p1>New to this, not a tourist!</p1>
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<h2>Here Are My Projects From FCC</h2>
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<p class="project-title">Tribute Page</p>
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<p class="project-title">Gym App<p>
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<h3> If You Want to Help Me Improve!</h3>
<p2> I know some my works are not looking good but I know I can improve myself.</p2>
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<p3>This is just a begining of a new journey </p3>
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