Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

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Hey guys sorry to disturb you for this matter but I gotta ask. Even though this code passes and I am eligble for the certificate I still don’t know how use flex box, animations, or make this look like a sample project. My all projects are a MESS and I hate to looking at them. I started to think I have spend my 300hours for nothing. I think I didn’t cut out for this and stop making this kinda embarrassing projects and call it a day. Or does it get better? Any help or story might help. Thanks

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        <p1>New to this, not a tourist!</p1>
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          <h2>Here Are My Projects From FCC</h2>
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<h3> If You Want to Help Me Improve!</h3>
<p2> I know some my works are not looking good but I know I can improve myself.</p2>
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    <p3>This is just a begining of a new journey </p3>
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Personal Portfolio Webpage - Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Hi gokberk! No worries, we all hit roadblocks when learning and attempting any new skill. Leonardo da Vinci probably was not able to paint the Mona Lisa after his first 300 hours holding a paint brush. With practice and further learning, I’m 100% sure you’ll understand it.

The Frontend Developer libraries certification will give you more practice and ideas of techniques to look into further. Also, look at the different articles related to Flexbox (we’re just getting a basic introduction on what Flexbox can do here). But like any skill, it’s not a spectator sport, you have to practice to better understand and improve. It can take one hour or a thousand, but you’ll get there.

Don’t give up!