Pig-latin: How it artedstway vs. How it's oinggway

This pig latin exercise was fun. :pig:

This solution uses three regular expressions to check for:

  1. Vowels at the beginning of a string.
  2. One or more consonants at the beginning of a string.
  3. Vowels in general, but not including “y”.

Side Note: Regex101 is my go-to for figuring out regular expressions. I find it really helpful.

The second rendition of this solution uses the ternary operator to shorten the nested conditional syntax. It also removes the “crutch” of a return variable.

It looks like it could have been further reduced based on Solution 3 in the Challenge Guide. When I think about it, the “starts with consonant” regex is really just the negation of the vowel regex.

But anyway, let me know if you can find any bugs. :bug:

How it artedstway

const translatePigLatin = (str) => {
  let startsWithVowelRegex = /^[aeiouy]/;
  let startsWithNotAVowelRegex = /^[^aeiouy]+/;
  let justVowelsRegex = /[aeiou]/;
  let newStr = "";

  if (startsWithVowelRegex.test(str) === true) {
    newStr = str.concat("way");
  } else {
    let strOfStartingConsonants = "";
    let startingConsonantLength = 0;
    let strAsArray = str.split("");
    let arrOfVowels = [];

    strOfStartingConsonants = str.match(startsWithNotAVowelRegex)[0];
    startingConsonantLength = strOfStartingConsonants.length;

    strAsArray.forEach((letter) => {
      if (justVowelsRegex.test(letter) === true) arrOfVowels.push(letter);

    if (arrOfVowels.length === 0) {
      newStr = str.concat("ay");
    } else {
      newStr = newStr.concat(


  return newStr;

How it’s oinggway

const translatePigLatin = (str) => {
  let startsWithVowelRegex = /^[aeiouy]/;
  let getConsonantsRegex = /^[^aeiouy]+/;
  let justVowelsRegex = /[aeiou]/;

  return startsWithVowelRegex.test(str) === true
    ? str.concat("way")
    : justVowelsRegex.test(str) === false
    ? str.concat("ay")
    : str
        .concat(str.match(getConsonantsRegex)[0], "ay");

Console Tests

console.log(translatePigLatin("consonant") === "onsonantcay");
console.log(translatePigLatin("california") === "aliforniacay");
console.log(translatePigLatin("algorithm") === "algorithmway");
console.log(translatePigLatin("glove") === "oveglay");
console.log(translatePigLatin("schwartz") === "artzschway");
console.log(translatePigLatin("rhythm") === "rhythmay");

Hi @hdevilbiss!

The moderators will review your solution and decide if it should be added to the guide.