I’m at 2nd front end development project and i dont know how to change the font-size and font-family of my Placeholder in a input box.
Can someone help me?
I’m at 2nd front end development project and i dont know how to change the font-size and font-family of my Placeholder in a input box.
Can someone help me?
Can you link to your codepen?
Here is my pen: https://codepen.io/GPorto/pen/NyMxbQ
I solved my problem when i changed my input font-size
#contato input { margin-top: 30px;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
background-color: white;}
But in the Msg input box, the text “Digite sua mensagem” is at input box middle, how can i move it to the top?
Thank you for the answer about the size