Please a hint on what i'm doing wrong :(

function testSize(num) {
// Only change code below this line
if (num < 5){return "Tiny";}
if else (num < 10){return "Small";}
if else (num < 15){return "Medium";}
if else (num < 20){return "Large";}
else (num >= 20){return "Huge";}

// Only change code above this line


Hi! Would you mind posting a link to the challenge?

It looks like you’re trying to write a condition on the final else block.


Challenge: Chaining If Else Statements

Link to the challenge:

Take a look again at the example syntax in the instructions:

if (condition1) {
} else if (condition2) {
} else if (condition3) {
. . .
} else {

Your else looks a little different.

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Hey, since you just asked for an hint I won’t say the solution. Try too look at your if else (condtion) statements.

if (num < 5){return "Tiny";}
//The first error lies in the if else statments, try too look it up how to write if else statements
if else (num < 10){return "Small";}
if else (num < 15){return "Medium";}
if else (num < 20){return "Large";}
else (num >= 20){return "Huge";}
// ^ There is also an error with the else statement

There is something wrong with that and also your else statment.

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